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Return Policy

Return Policy

Cosmetics and personal care products can only be returned if they are unopened, intact and unused. However, if the product is damaged, please contact Customer Service to request a refund.

For all return requests, call customer service at 0 212 293 18 19 or email us at

In order to return the products you purchased on the website, you can start the return process by sending them back to us at any Yurtiçi Kargo branch with the code 966018978.
The return period is 14 days from the delivery date. You must deliver the package to the courier company with the return shipping code provided within 10 days of the return request. This code is the same for all your orders and does not change. In order for your return to be processed, do not forget to pack the invoice together with the product you want to return. You can send your return from the nearest branch of Yurtiçi Kargo. If you want to ship your return with a different courier company other than Yurtiçi Kargo, the shipping fee will be covered by you. Please do not mail any packages C.O.D., as they will not be accepted.

Note: Products must be returned undamaged and in their original packaging, along with invoice or packing slip. Gifts and accessories delivered with the product must also be sent with the return.
We would like to thank you in advance for your care in packing your product safely that is suitablefor shipping so that it is not damaged when it reaches us.

Before accepting the package, please open and check the package and its contents in front of the courier company’s representative. If there is any damage to the products, do not accept the package and file a  complaint with the courier company. Please note that if you do not file a complaint, it will be considered that the package and its contents are delivered undamaged. Personalized products cannot be returned.

Return Steps:

  1. To create a return request, call our customer service at 0 212 293 18 19 or send us a request at,
  2. Prepare your product for return:
    Pack the product carefully- preferably using the original packaging- to avoid damage to the product during shipping.
  3. Place the invoice in the package with the product/products to be returned and deliver it to the nearest Yurtiçi Kargo branch with the return code 966018978.
  4. When your return reaches us:The product will be checked and if it meets the return conditions, the return process will start. Your refund will be issued within fifteen (15) days upon the return request being approved, and we will use the same means of payment as you used for the order

FM World Corporate Video

FM World Corporate Video

19th regional Anniversary in Turkiye - summary video

19th regional Anniversary in Turkiye - summary video

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